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Humans of ChEMistry

These are our people and they share their stories of what God has been teaching in their season of life.


Chloe’s Story

Chloe is a member of ChEMistry. Read what God has been teaching her in this season of life.

Eddie’s Story

Eddie is a member and leader of ChEMistry. Read what God has been teaching him in the past year.

Jerry’s Story

Jerry is a leader at ChEMistry. Read what God has been teaching him through his struggles with mental health.

Josh’s Story

Josh leads our Creative Team at ChEMistry. Read what God has been teaching him within lifegroups!

Jane’s Story

Jane is a member of ChEMistry. Read what God has been teaching her in through her vocation as a special needs teacher.

Yumi’s Story

Questions about poverty | Meet Yumi

Jun’s Story

Jun is member of ChEMistry. Read about what Jun has been thankful for this past year.

Terrii’s Story

This is Terrii's story of becoming a Christian.

Peter’s Story

Peter is a leader at ChEMistry. Read about what God has been teaching him as he reflects on Jesus' life.

Jess’s Story

Read what God has been teaching Jess about marriage.

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We know that meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking! We want to help make your first experience at ChEMistry as easy and comfortable as possible.